Friday, October 3, 2008

Standard of Excellence?

It's all the pundits can talk about. Sarah Palin held her own. Well, surprise. Surprise. If I'd had as much practice as she got on that AZ ranch, I could have debated a pit bull, too.
No, to give the Gov. credit, she did do a fairly admirable job of not messing it up. You could tell that she had studied and she was ready for this test. She spent a lot of time on energy, even when it had nothing to do with the question asked. But the American people know bullshit when they smell it. And Palin clearly BS-ed her way through that debate.
However, what will fool the American people is how down home, golly gee, Mrs. Palin appeared to be. And to some voters that's all they are looking for and Palin is glad to deliver. She would have you believe that she will be simultaneously fighting for these alleged tax cuts (which is a whole 'nother show, Sally), whipping up an apple pie, digging a pipeline from (gasp) Alaska, and ripping bed sheets into bandages for our troops. Please!
Give me Joe Biden as a VP any day. He does not apologize for the fact that he never tells you just what you want to hear. When he has been wrong in the past, he freely admits it. He has even admited that he has even learned from his mistakes. What a concept. And while he was respectful of Gov. Palin during the whole debate, he never held back from correcting her when she was wrong on any given point. Sen. Biden, you win a Tell It Like It Is Award for your performance at last night's VP debate. I actually feel like I have a better understanding of where he and Sen. Obama stand on certain issues.
Meanwhile, the best we can say for Gov. Palin is that she answered the questions (sort of) and that she knew every one's names (kind of). Apparently everyone, Republicans included, was expecting her to do so poorly that when she pulled through without any visible scratches they claimed a victory.
So is this it now, America? Is this the kind of Presidential administration that you want leading our country? An administration that judges success by not sucking? If that's the case what is their excuse for the last eight years?
Damn. Maybe Pres. Bush should enroll in the McCain/Palin boot camp to practice his public speaking. Maybe then he could Not Suck, too.

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