Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Experience This, McCain

I am so ever lovingly sick of hearing John McCain harp about Barack Obama's supposed lack of experience. Who the hell does he think he is to criticize someone's level of experience?
Sen. McSame has been in Washington for almost 30 years and for the past eight years he has voted with President George W. Bush 9 out of 10 times. That means that ninety percent of the time he actually thought that W. was doing the right thing. Or even if he didn't, he was willing to vote that way in order to kiss his ass. Is that the kind of experience America needs. I think not. One of McCain's ads even raises the question "would you want a doctor with only one year of experience operating on you?" Perhaps the better question is, "Would you choose the doctor with one year of experience or the doctor who has killed nine out of ten of his patients?" Umm, hey Rookie. Over here.
It has been my experience that if something isn't working, you don't keep doing the same thing over and over again and hope for a different result. Clearly our country is broken right now. The Republican answer to fixing any problem has always been 'if you can't fix it with what you have, don't change, just get a bigger hammer' Anyone remember "Stay the course"? Personally, I think Obama's lack of 'Washington' experience is refreshing. I want someone who is going to go in and make changes. The world changes and we as people have to change with it. Obama understands that. McCain is simply a bigger hammer.
Also let's not forget some of McCain's own campaign choices. Is he really qualified to question Obama's readiness for the Presidency based on lack of experience when he picked Caribou Barbie for his running mate. Sarah Palin is dumber than a ten-pound bag of stupid and he has picked her to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. One heartbeat. And let's face it, McCain's a fossil. Given the rigorous demands and stresses of the Presidency, how many heartbeats can he actually have in him? I don't mean to sound ageist - but come on. Stop trying to convince me that Obama doesn't have the experience needed to lead the country and spend more time trying to assure people that you're actually going to be alive for the next four years. I'd feel a lot better knowing that I wasn't going to be stuck with Billy Madison's big sister as my President when you croak.
Even McCain's own party is through with him. Gen. Colin Powell, a Republican and one of the most widely respected men (by both major parties) in the country, has thrown his support to Barack Obama citing his concerns over Sarah Palin's lack of experience. That is huge. I don't think there is any way McCain can recover from that, Thank God. He might as well spend the rest of his time picking out what pair of pajama's he's going to wear in bed in one of his seven (or is it nine?) homes on inauguration night. I hear it's cold in Alaska in January. Perhaps he and Sarah Palin could get matching pairs. Maybe with Moose on them. No no, Elephants. They really are funny creatures, aren't they?

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