Saturday, October 4, 2008

Not Surprise

So, OJ Simpson is guilty. Big freakin' surprise. He broke into a Vegas hotel room, accompanied by a group of thugs, guns blazing, demanding 'his' memorabilia. Here's a memory for you, OJ. Remember that time when you were a respected athlete and public figure. You know, back before you killed your wife and flaunted the fact that you got away with it all over the country.
And now he's bitching that he didn't get a fair trial. That the jurors were biased against him and were only punishing him for the 1994 murders of his ex-wife Nicole and her friend Ron Goldman.
Maybe. But isn't that the way the universe works. You do bad things and then you pay for it. The end. Sometimes it may take a little longer for retribution to catch up with you, but in the end it always does. Just ask Earl. It's Karma, man.
So, now poor OJ has to pay the piper. Maybe a different piper, but a piper nonetheless. Even OJ himself is not surprised. When the verdict was read in court Friday after 13 hours of jury deliberation he could only let out a loud sigh. Almost like he knew it was coming. It has been reported that his sister collapsed and had to be led out of the court room. What did she collapse of - not surprise? I hear there's a lot of that going around these days. Look at Wall Street.
I suppose that he will have plenty of time in the pen to work on a book. Oh, wait. He already did that. A thinly veiled confession called 'If I Did It'. If- my ass. I guess he'll have to appoint someone else in charge of going to the golf course to look for the 'real killer' Give me a break.

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