Wednesday, October 1, 2008

No Dumb Chick

This morning I was taking my morning walk with my grandmother - don't laugh, I can barely keep up - when we passed a house with a Bush, I mean McCain/Palin sign in the yard. Nothing new in the decidedly red Christian College neighborhood where I walk. What was new was that today they had added a homemade sign with a picture of what can only be described as a sick roadrunner and the words "I'm Voting For the Chick" emblazoned across it. Nothing like advertising your stupidity.
So as we walked we talked about how the "chick" affected the climate of the campaign. Mamaw told me that she saw some TV political pundit say that Sarah Palin was brought on to the McCain campaign to try and sway Clinton voters away from Obama.
Wait just a minute. Hillary voters going over to the dark side just because they've called up some pig in lipstick from the minor leagues. Does the GOP think that women are really that stupid? I mean seriously. First off I do not recall one single woman supporting Hillary Clinton on the basis of her gender. In fact it was often the other way around. (Bros before Hoes, if I recall. Very clever, 'Bros') Secondly, I cannot imagine anyone who did support Mrs. Clinton, based on gender or otherwise, supporting Sarah Palin. There is absolutely no comparison on the issues.
Well, I can only assume that they are divided. Some of the issues like gun control, the war in Iraq, abortion, and gay marriage are just gimmes. But the fact is that I have absolutely no idea where Gov. Palin stands on health care, social security, education, etc. I haven't heard her say a word about it. In fact the only thing I do know for certain is that she allegedly has foreign policy experience because she can see Russia from her back door in Alaska. Well, hell, I could see a baseball field from my old house but it sure as shootin' didn't make me capable of managing the Yankees.
It seems like every time Gov. Palin is set down for the unavoidable interview she has a hard time understanding the questions, much less answering them. CBS even gave her an interview from Katie Couric which should have made her a little more comfortable since she's so Pro-Gal and all. But, alas, not so much. Poor Katie had a hard time trying to draw out even basic answers to what should have been pretty standard questions.
The Republicans are even a little embarrassed by her lack of experience, it seems. They wouldn't let her talk after last Friday's Presidential debate, instead trotting out Giuliani. Undeniably intelligent, in an ingenious diabolical Fearless Leader kind of way, he was evidently too morally bankrupt to lead the country or even veep. Good thing they got Ol' Sarah Palin. She may have a crazy right wing separatist husband, an ex-brother-in-law Alaska State Trooper rightfully out for blood, and no discernible experience of any kind to lead this country - other than 18 months as governor of a state that her own husband would like to see succeed from the Union; but who cares? She's got an all American son deploying to war, a pregnant teenage daughter (that's supposed to prove that the Palins are like all American families - the Spears family maybe?), and a baby who was discovered to have Downs Syndrome before it's birth and she courageously decided to keep anyway. And that's to say nothing of how good she looks in some lipstick.
So, Republicans, please do not believe that your desperate attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of women voters has worked. Contrary to what you have always believed American women are far far more intelligent than you give them credit for. Sarah Palin is nothing more than a GOP puppet (and a cheap one at that) for the good ol' boys club in a way that Hillary never could be. It has been said many times that nothing scares a Republican more than a smart woman, but evidently a dumb 'chick' will do just fine.

1 comment:

Trish said...

Oh Keila, I love you to pieces! I agree with you 110%! I can't stand Sarah Palin or John McCain and anytime I see them, my blood boils! She is no more qualified than Ross Perot to be in the White House! I simply cannot wait for tomorrow night's VP Debate! Biden is going to have a pretty easy time of making her look like an idiot. According to CNN, she's been attending "Debate Camp" to learn how to answer questions. Gimme a break... And keep these blogs comin'! You're a breath of fresh air!