Monday, August 30, 2010

Bit of the Bluegrass

I will now be writing at Bit of the Bluegrass. Bit of the Bluegrass is a new lifestyle site that shares the joys of living in Kentucky. We have a little bit of everything and we are geared towards a slightly younger, hipper crowd than most publications dealing with life in the Bluegrass State.
I will definitely still be writing here because, as my brother recently pointed out to me, I have a lot of anger towards -well -people. This is true, I won't deny it. But I would like to qualify the "people". I cannot stand stupid/ignorant/bigoted/small-minded/loud-mouthed/moronic people. I realize that this covers a rather wide demographic, but really if people would just listen to me in the first place then we wouldn't have such problems, now would we.
That is where Bit of the Bluegrass comes in. It is my chance to be pro-active, so to speak. I find that I do a lot of bitching about my neighbors. Now I can focus on more of the positive aspects of living in KY.  And turns out, there are quite a few. I intend to chronicle every one of them.

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