Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's Been Such a Long Time. . .

Yes, I know it's been a while since I've posted anything on here. It's not that I've had nothing to bitch about, believe me. It's just that- life, you know? But, I've made a few adjustments to the way I've been doing things and have found that I do after all, have time to rant. Add to that, I recently saw something that I just could not keep to myself.
I do love an infomercial. I'll be interested in buying most anything if it's sold on TV two for $19.95. But wait! There's more! I own chef Tony's Miracle Blades, the Grip-n-Flip, Bare Minerals Makeup, and of course ProActive. Have you seen Jessica Simpson's skin? I have purchased the Snuggie, the Bump-It, and Debbie Myers Green Bags. And I am convinced that I have the answer to the Gulf Oil spill. They should use Mighty Putty to stop the leak and then Sham Wows to mop up the spill. Simple!
But I have now seen something that, quite honestly, even I wouldn't buy. I have seen Pajama Jeans. Seriously. They are pajamas that look like jeans. I am not exactly sure if the intent is to look good while you sleep, or to be comfortable while you go about your day. Because actual jeans are not casual enough. Are you kidding me here. I am all for comfort, but I have to seriously question any product that encourages further sloppiness in the American Fashion Repertoire. Are mom jeans and stretch pants not enough? Not to mention cleverly embroidered holiday sweatshirts.
I am, admittedly, not the best dressed person on the planet. I frequently leave the gym to run my errands about town in - GASP- the same clothes I worked out in. And some days even when I haven't gone to the gym I will rock the yoga pants to give off the illusion of active mom on the go. I fully expect Stacy and Clinton to jump out from behind a bush any day now to take me to fashion jail. But even I would not wear a pair of Pajama Jeans.
Who are these people trying to kid here? Are they jeans? Are they pajamas? Who can tell? And what's the point anyway? No one can even see them underneath the Snuggie anyway.

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