Friday, May 22, 2009

A Whole new level of "Kiss My Ass!"

So here's the thing. I was watching my soap the other day, (yes, I'm a stay-at-home mother who watches soap operas. What of it?) only I can't watch it during the day, because I'm often too busy. So I watch it at night on Soap Net after the kids have gone to bed. So I'm watching, I'm watching, I'm guiltily enjoying all the drama. What kind of new trouble has that Sami cooked up now? Then, damn it, another commercial. She was just about to reveal who the baby's real father is. Crap. But wait. What's this? A new show on Soap Net. It's called Southern Belles - Louisville.
Now normally I am anti-reality TV. I consider it neither reality nor very good TV. But I'm from Kentucky, right? So of course I'm gonna have to check this out. It will have to be more real that those Real Housewives Of shows, right? I mean come on. It's Kentucky.
So the premier rolls around and I get ready to tune in with a jaded eye. And boy was I glad I hadn't set my hopes too high on this one. What a bunch of BS. These women lead lives so not even close to my own reality it's like we don't even live in the same state. Now, of course I know that geography doesn't count for everything. But it's gotta count for something and besides these women weren't even vaguely human as far as I'm concerned. Louisville or not, I refuse to validate these whoores rolls as quasi-celebrities for one second longer. Oh, darlings, get over yourselves.
There are five of the so-called belles, each one just as annoyingly grating as the last. My favorite of the moment though is Kellie. Poor Kellie. Poor poor Kellie. Evidently we should all feel very sad for Kellie because she has just gone through a very painful divorce. For the second time. (She's 32) And has had to "downsize" into a smaller home that frankly is quite a bit larger than the home I live in now which I consider to be almost too large for my family of four. Kellie is also trying to make adjustments to her new salary (read: divorce settlement). She is having to fly commercial instead of private and is having to buy her clothes -gasp- off the rack. Poor girl. Louisville is a great on wonderful city to be sure, but I don't even know where one would go to not buy off the rack.
I also really like Shea. Shea comes from money. And when I say money, I mean MONEY. Think Ron White when he says his in-laws are "llllooooooooaaaaaaddddeed." And Shea wants everyone who sees her to know just how much money she has. Or rather, Daddy has. And lucky Shea has found her dream man. (Starter husband - whatever) This poor guy is killing himself just to keep up with her demands and he doesn't even seem to know it. Shea is even planning their elaborate society wedding, and he hasn't even proposed. Love it. Dude, I have just one word for you. RUN!!!
So seriously, people. Please please please don't watch this show. Don't give these girls any more validation than they already get. Boycott Southern Belles - Louisville with pride and know that a real Southern Belle is one that knows that it's not all about the money or the house or the divorce settlement with all the zeros. She is one who says please and thank you, and yes ma'am and no sir. She can wear linen without wrinkling it (too much) and she knows how to brew the perfect pot of sweet tea. She wears her hair big to be "closer to Jesus" and she knows just why every southern woman has a coffee cup of bacon grease in her refrigerator. Be cool Kentucky, and don't give these "Belles" the attention they so obviously desire.


SBTierney said...

I must not be a Southern Belle. I wrinkle linen, I have no bacon grease, and my ain't high. :(

SBTierney said...

Supposed to be that my hair ain't high.