Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ugly on the Inside

It's old news by now that Miss USA runner-up Carrie Prejean is a homophobe. She spoke out against gay marriage in the finals of the pageant and claimed that that is what cost her the crown. Perhaps. But generally it's not the best idea to give a crown to a bigot. But whatever.
Much has been said since then, mostly from conservatives, about how admirable it was that at least she had the courage of her convictions and was not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. Big F-ing deal. Hitler had the courage of his convictions too. Stay the course. The surge is working.
But now, yippee! Imagine my excitement upon turning on the news this morning to learn that Miss Prejean had previously posed for semi-nude photos and that said photos had been leaked to the media. hehehehe.
Now, normally when a situation such as this arises I say 'it's no body's business what a person does in their private lives' and honestly if I looked like Miss Prejean it wouldn't be a matter of nude photographs that anyone would have to worry about. My ass would be walking around naked for everyone to see. So more power to her on that front. But I digress.
The point is that Miss Prejean set her own self up as a moral example with her little morality play during and after the Miss USA pageant. She wrapped herself up in her so-called Christian Faith and now it appears she's a little tangled.
According to Prejean the whole thing was not her fault. The photos were "surreptitiously leaked to a tabloid website that openly mocks me for my Christian faith." Umm excuse me. Didn't you mock your faith yourself when you donned those little pink panties (and nothing else) and said cheese?
Bitch, give me a break!
Carrie Prejean, you are a real piece of work. Your faith is what guides you and teaches you what's right and wrong. But then when you do something stupid it becomes an excuse for others to attack you. Wake up and smell the holy-water, sweetheart. They're attacking you because you're a hypocrite. Big Time.
Prejean also goes on to say that she feels that the attacks on her and others who "speak in defense of traditional marriage" are intolerant and offensive. Guess what, Princess? I find your bigoted views intolerant and you stupidity offensive. So put that in your crown and smoke it!

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