Friday, July 2, 2010

From Russia with Intrigue

Have y'all been following this Russian spy crap? I didn't even know the Russians even still cared. I thought they were jsut hanging out with the rest of the world drinking vodka and waiting on us to F it up. But they have put together a spy ring that looks like, well, I'm not exactly sure and that's kind of the point.
They had the requisite Bond Girl-like siren. Evidently it was her job to infiltrate the NYC party scene and report back to Moscow that boots are in for fall and the new Sex and the City movie was rather disappointing. Then there was the soccer parents, we'll call them Boris and Natasha, who were spying on their suburban neighbors, one of whom was an investment banker. The last vaguely democratic thing this poor guy did was write a sizable check to the Clintons. And then, just for flavor I suppose, there is the Spanish language reporter. What the hell?!? Where does she fit in? "Yo quero Smirnoff!"
Then to top it all off, the alleged ring-leader of this whole bad-news bears spy ring, we'll call him Fearless Leader, was caught in Cypress. And what does the government of Cypress do? They turn him loose. On bail, of course. Oh, well, if you made him post bail. . . You idiots! He's a Russian spy! Christ on toast, don't you people ever watch a freakin' bond movie.
Or, hell, even Austin Powers would have handled the situation better than this whole debacle. He is, after all, an international man of mystery. Now, if you'll excuse me, my neighbor, Ivana is knocking and she's looking a little nervous.