Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ann Coulter's a Big Fat Bitch . . . A Big Fat Bitch . . . A Big Fat Bitch

Oh, Ann, for why do you taunt me so? Your interview with Matt Lauer of the Today Show last week left me positively giddy. I sat giddily watching the television, hands clasped, eyes wide like a child waiting for Saturday morning cartoons. What would you say? What would you do? Oh, the anticipation was just too much. And alas, dear Ann, you did not disappoint.
Feeling a little left out? Here's the skinny. (pun intended) Ann Coulter has made the rounds for the past couple of weeks to endorse her new book "Guilty: Liberal Victims and Their Assault on America" More on said book in just a moment. Ms. Coulter was scheduled to appear on the Today Show on Monday, but was bumped from her time slot by someone talking about something more important than herself. Something about the economy or the stock market or, well . . . who cares. Anyways, Ms. Coulter and that big fat chip on her shoulder went out and declared that the Today Show had banned her for life. A situation which I'm sure the producers wished were possible. Sorry, Today Show. Unfortunately Ann Coulter, like bird flu and extra baggage fees at the airport, are just problems of modern society that we are just going to have to learn to live with.
The Today Show, taking the higher ground, invited Ms. Coulter back for Tuesday's show. I'm assuming they wanted to show Ms. Coulter that she was not in fact, banned for life, as she herself claimed on her own website. However, giving this crazy lady any sort of forum is like waving a red flag in front of a bull. She just can't resist to let all of America know what a self-important, coked up, tranny (she has an Adam's Apple, people) bitch she really is.
Ms. Coulter denied that she said the Today Show had banned her for life blaming the whole thing on the Drudge Report. No doubt, but it's still right there on your own website, Ann. We liberals may be many things, but we do in fact know how to read.
Poor Matt Lauer was stuck trying to reason with this she-devil. Getting her to stay on topic was like trying to watch someone herd cats. Just not gonna happen. Watching an Ann Coulter interview is akin to watching a Robin Williams interview, but in a whole weird new way.
Finally she was able to promote her aforementioned book "Guilty:Liberal Victims and Their Assault on America" I just had to put it in here again. I do so love the title. Victims? Hmm? I suppose if you wanted to define victim as one who has been royally screwed for the past eight years and lied to by their government, then yeah, I guess Victim pretty much covers it.
The point that Ms. Coulter tried to make with her book however is that the 'Liberal Media' elected Barrack Obama by supporting him throughout the whole campaign, never giving John McCain a fair chance. She makes the argument that the hardest questions NBC's Brian Williams asked Obama were about his parents and how they would have felt about his life today, meanwhile Sarah Palin was forced to memorize capitals and Presidents of foreign lands so as not to appear stupid in interviews. 'Appear' stupid? Come on Ann, even my 9 yr. old daughter knows that Moose Twit didn't have to 'appear' anything. She is stupid. The GOP couldn't even make her appear sane, much less intelligent.
And as for John McCain . . . When a candidate for the Presidency of the Untied States of America appears at a fund raiser singing "Bomb, bomb, bomb. Bomb, bomb, Iran." Well, it's just kind of hard to pin that into anything even close to PC.
Hey Ann, you must have some really big balls (I'm guessing maybe, literally) to accuse the left of portraying themselves as victims when your own party can barely keep it's head above water.
I could go on and on about the audacity of this psycho witch, but I think it's best to let Ms. Coulter speak for herself.
Although I will leave you with one last snippet of Ms. Coulter's glaring hypocrisy and apparent lack of self-awareness. In May of 2003 she was quoted as saying, "It would be a much better country if women did not vote." I shit you not. She actually said that. You can't make this crap up. On the flip-side, however, Ms. Coulter has been accused of voter fraud. Twice. Way to go, Ann. Keep it real. And for God's sake don't quit what your day job. We liberals need stuff to bitch over, too.