Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Nerve of This Guy

So by now you have all heard of Ol' What's His Name. You know the slimy governor from Illinois. Blogo . . . no that's not it. Bagosavits - not so much. Oh yeah, Blagojavich (after an extensive Google search I found out it kind of rhymes with son of a bitch if you say it real fast) Rod Blagojavich. What a name. Even Ann (it's all about me) Curry from the Today show just calls him the governor from Illinois. And since I'm no where near as falsely sincere as Ms. Curry, and it takes me like five minutes to type out Blagojavich one hellish letter at a time he will be referred to here as Gov. Alphabet (a nod to my northern friends).
Gov. Alphabet has gotten himself into a spot of trouble, as you may have heard. Apparently it's frowned upon to sell a seat in the United States Senate. Who knew? But here's the thing - I'm kind of finding it hard to hate the guy. I can just hear the Republicans now, but that's beside the point.
I feel like Gov. Alphabet has some great big huge shiny Christmas Balls (for the sake of the season) on him. Not only has he not apologized for his crime, at least with any sincerity. He doesn't even seem to get what the big deal is. And for my money, while of course I understand that it is wrong to sell a Senate appointment, I just can't figure out why everyone is so surprised.
The news media is acting like this is the first time anything like this has ever happened. Like George Bush just magically won the election in 2000. The Today show even trotted out Mr. GQ Dan Abrams, hot shot legal analyst, to explain to all us window lickers just why exactly it was wrong to offer up to the highest bidder the latest Senate seat up for grabs.
Come on this kind of thing must happen all the freakin' time, right? I mean, granted it's usually more of an "I'll scratch your back and you'll scratch mine" kind of a situation. But that's kind of my point. I have to admire Ol' Alphabet for going straight for the cash. He told it like it is, which is always high in my book. Of course he's going to jail for it, but I kind of see Gov. Alphabet as the kind of guy who knew that such a thing was always possible (and seriously- who knows what else he's done that deserves investigating) and just takes it as a matter of due course. Kind of like when the Godfather had to go in front of the Senate Committee.
So Gov. Alphabet will go to jail for attempting to solicit payment for a political appointment, but will anything really change? His potty mouth wife Carmella, I mean Patti will be waiting for him when he gets out and together they will hatch some new scheme to get on top and the only thing that will really have changes in the world of political appointments is that crooked politicians will just have to get even crookeder. (as a dog's hind leg, some might say) You've heard the old saying, haven't you? Build a better mouse trap and all you get is a smarter mouse.